API Reference

Contented CLI

contented write

To ease the authoring process, content write creates a preview of your content on localhost:3000. The preview comes with a basic content navigation tree (left), table of contents (right), and prose formatting (center).

This website, the current one you're looking at right now is the result of contented write.

contented generate

Generates the static preview website that can be published to GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel! Minimally, you need to configure your package.json with these fields:


  "scripts": {
    "generate": "contented generate"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@birthdayresearch/contented": "latest"


/** @type {import('@birthdayresearch/contented').ContentedConfig} */
module.exports = {
  preview: {
    url: 'https://contented.dev',
    name: 'Contented',
    github: {
      url: 'https://github.com/BirthdayResearch/contented',
  processor: {
    pipelines: [
        type: 'Doc',
        pattern: '**/*.md',
        processor: 'md',

Netlify TOML:

publish = ".contented/.preview/out"
command = "npm run generate"

Vercel Settings:

BUILD COMMAND       = npm run generate
OUTPUT DIRECTORY    = .contented/.preview/out

contented build

Generates the ./dist output that can be published into the NPM registry for creating a derivative site. Minimally, you need to configure your package.json with these fields:

  "name": "@your-scope/your-npm-package",
  "files": ["dist"],
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "contented build"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@birthdayresearch/contented": "latest"

Run contented build to compiled your markdown into index.js and *.json, output to the dir: ./dist. You can npm publish into any registry of your choice. You can easily npm i @your-scope/your-npm-package and use the processed content on any downstream site.

import { Index } from '@your-scope/your-npm-package';

Contented Configuration

The anatomy of a contented package, with just 2 configuration files, and you are good from the get-go! Contented automatically ignore files in your .gitignore and .contentedignore.

You should also add a .gitignore too with echo "dist\n.contented" > .gitignore. (Okay fine! 3 files it is. Ughhhh)


export interface ContentedConfig {
  preview: {
    url?: string;
    name?: string;
    github?: {
      url?: string;
  processor: {
     * The root directory of your contented markdown.
    rootDir?: string;
     * Customize the output path. Editing this will cause contented-preview to break.
    outDir?: string;
     * Contented processing pipeline
    pipelines: Pipeline[];

export interface Pipeline {
  type: string;
  pattern: string;
  processor: 'md';
  fields?: {
    [name: string]: PipelineField;
  transform?: (file: FileContent) => Promise<FileContent>;


/** @type {import('@birthdayresearch/contented').ContentedConfig} */
module.exports = {
  preview: {
    url: 'https://contented.dev',
    name: 'Contented',
    github: {
      url: 'https://github.com/BirthdayResearch/contented',
  processor: {
    pipelines: [
        type: 'Docs',
        pattern: 'docs/**/*.md',
        processor: 'md',
        fields: {
          title: {
            type: 'string',
            required: true,
            resolve: (s) => s ?? 'Contented',
          description: {
            type: 'string',
          tags: {
            type: 'string[]',
        transform: (file) => {
          file.path = file.path.replaceAll(/^\/docs\/?/g, '/');
          file.sections = file.sections.slice(1);
          return file;
        type: 'Lorem',
        pattern: 'lorem/**/*.md',
        processor: 'md',
        fields: {
          title: {
            type: 'string',
        transform: (file) => {
          file.sections = file.sections.slice(1);
          return file;